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Posts published in “Make America Late Again”

Press: Democrats leaning too far left?

If you believe most political commentators, it’s the biggest threat to the Democratic Party today: progressives pushing the party too far to the left. The…

Diamond and Silk

I don’t get it, it’s comedy right? Uh, is that real? Sometimes when I study Fox news I watch like one would watch SNL. The…

The Warmbier Parents Try to Sue Kim Jong Un

The parents of Otto Warmbier — the 22-year-old University of Virginia student who died on June 19, 2017, after being released from North Korean captivity…

Seeing red

Teachers in Arizona and Colorado turned their state Capitols into a sea of red Thursday as they kicked off widespread walkouts that shut down public…

Press: The GOP’S giant nothing burger

Some 26 centuries later, one of the greatest sources of wisdom remains the classic collection of Aesop’s Fables. Especially relevant today is the talk of…

Press: Mueller lowers the boom

For 10 months, Donald Trump has done everything in his power to undermine and discredit the FBI’s investigation into the Russian connection. He calls it…

Press: Kelly sells his soul

It happens so often we should be used to it by now. We build people up. We discover a new hero. We think he or she…

Bill Press: President Trump's Katrina

When President Trump arrives in Puerto Rico today, he’ll be about as welcome as Hurricane Maria was two weeks ago. Because, tragically, the widespread destruction…

Juan Williams: Trump's desperate DACA cynicism

“He’s just like he is on TV…He’s an a–hole, but he’s our a–hole.”That’s how Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), recently described President Trump to a group…

Juan Williams: Trump's shutdown gamble

President Trump’s base among Republican voters is showing its first signs of erosion, according to opinion polls. His overall numbers are also at an historic…

Juan Williams: Trump ought to thank Obama

Thanks, Obama!That’s the public message President Trump needs to send immediately to his predecessor to thank him for low unemployment and record stock market performance…

Press: Amateur hour at White House

Washington is still rocking from last week’s big shake-up at the White House. In the communications department, Sean Spicer is out and Anthony Scaramucci and…

Press: A lame string of excuses

Every day, the excuses coming out of the Trump White House for Donald Trump Jr.’s June 9, 2016, meeting with Russian operatives at Trump Tower…